Word of Faith/Prosperity Gospel Doctrines:
This ministry, Omega-Fire Ministries-Tucson, or it's affiliates or ministers will NOT endorse ANY doctrine or belief that pertains to the Word of Faith Movement or Prosperity doctrine Movement.   Further, we will NOT follow or endorse any ministry or pastor/teacher from said Movements or Organizations.   Such Organizations/Movements go AGAINST what we believe as a ministry.  Also, we believe that the Word of Faith and Prosperity Movements/Doctrines go AGAINST the Word of God and thus, is NOT Biblical in anyway shape or form.
If you disagree with our disclaimer or our findings, you may fill out a contact request and a member of the pastoral staff will be MORE than happy to contact you to discuss this in more detail!   
May you be Blessed in your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ!
Pastor Tim Turner,  Senior Pastor
Omega-Fire Ministries-Tucson